Chapter 7.5 – A/R Credit Note

Chapter 7 – Debtor Maintenance Chapter 7.5 – A/R Credit Note A/R Credit Note Entry is used to knock-off A/R Invoice or A/R Debit Note. A/R Credit Note Entry and Sales Credit Note are different, although both involve debtors. Upon save, A/R Credit Note...

Chapter 7.4 – Credit Note

Chapter 7 – Debtor Maintenance Chapter 7.4 – Credit Note Sales Credit Note is used when there was a goods return (involved physical stock movement) or change in the item price. Otherwise, if it involves only a change in the total amount, use A/R-Credit...

Chapter 7.2 -Sales Invoice

Chapter 7 – Debtor Maintenance Chapter 7.2 -Sales Invoice A sales invoice will decrease the stock level if: Create a new document using a sales invoice (without transferring from another document). Transfer from Quotation and Sales Order to Invoice. A sales...