Chapter 8 Cash Book Entry
08.01 Cash Book Entry
This is used to record cash transaction entries. E.g. cash receipts and cash payments.
Go to G/L > Cash Book Entry
Click on Create A New Cash Transaction

Select document type to be created
08.02 Receipt Voucher
08.03 Payment Voucher
Payment Method: select the payment method; the cash/bank account this payment method belonged to will be Credited. Sometimes it may involve more than one payment methods.
Cheque No: key in cheque number if any.
Payment Amount: the amount of payment made with this payment method.
Bank Charge: key in bank charge value if any.
Bank Charge Tax Code: to maintain bank charges tax code
Bank Charge Tax: the amount of SST for bank charges
Payment By: key in the mode of payment.
Is RCHQ: this used when a cheque payment made earlier is returned/bounced (use Edit mode).
RCHQ Date: define the date when the cheque is returned/bounced.
Acc. No.: select the related G/L accounts; you may key in the first few number/letters of the account number/description and select from the lookup screen. Click on ‘+’ sign to add a new row.
Account Desc.: the description of the G/L account (auto-displayed upon selection of Acc. No.).
Description: the description of this entry. One fast way to fill in the same details for several rows is to use the button of Select All Details (Ctrl + Alt + A), then click on the button of Range Set (F12) to set the description and apply.
Amount: since this is a payment, any positive amount here will be debited, and negative amount will be Credited.
SST Code: to show the SST code.
SST Rate: to show the rate of SST
SST: to show the amount of SST.
Total (ex): to show the subtotal before tax.
Total (inc): to show the subtotal after tax.
Proceed new Payment Voucher: when this is checked, a fresh screen will be ready for new entries upon Save; if unchecked will exit the transaction screen.
Functional Buttons:
Edit Button: